Writesonic Review 2023: The Best AI Writing Assistant?

Writesonic is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps you create high-quality content faster. With advanced features like an AI writer, templates, image generation, and more, it aims to revolutionize how writers work.

But is Writesonic worth the money? Does it live up to the hype? I tested it out extensively to find out.

In this detailed Writesonic review, I‘ll cover:

  • What Writesonic is
  • Key features and how they work
  • Content quality
  • Pricing plans
  • Notable pros and cons
  • Customer support
  • Alternatives to consider
  • Verdict – is Writesonic worth it?

Let‘s get into it.

What is Writesonic?

Writesonic is an AI writing assistant created by Conversion.ai. It aims to help writers and teams create high-quality, original content faster using AI.

The platform is packed with advanced features like:

  • AI Article Writer
  • 100+ templates
  • Sonic Editor
  • Image generator
  • SEO optimization
  • Tone tuning
  • Analytics
  • WordPress integration

Together, these tools allow you to streamline various parts of the content creation process so you can finish projects faster without sacrificing quality.

Writesonic runs on GPT-3.5 by default but can utilize GPT-4 for superior quality. So you get access to some of the most advanced AI available today.

Now let‘s take a closer look at the key features.

Key Writesonic Features

Here are the main capabilities you get with Writesonic:

AI Article Writer

The AI Article Writer is the core of Writesonic‘s writing capabilities.

With it, you can generate new articles from scratch by providing some key prompts like:

  • Topic keywords
  • Target word count
  • Tone and style preferences
  • Links to existing articles for context

You can also give the AI Article Writer existing drafts to improve. It will carefully rewrite and enhance them for you.

I found that the AI Article Writer creates very readable drafts. The sentences flow well and the paragraphs are broken up nicely.

However, the content itself tends to be a bit basic and lacking in original analysis. The AI mainly rehashes what it finds online instead of providing new insights. So editing is required to add your own spin.

Still, having a complete draft created for you in seconds is valuable. You can spend your time enhancing instead of writing from scratch.

100+ Templates

Aside from long-form articles, Writesonic offers over 100 templates for different content types:

  • Ad copies e.g. Facebook ads
  • Product descriptions
  • Website pages
  • Sales letters
  • Email newsletters
  • Social media posts
  • Marketing collateral

The templates make it super quick and easy to generate content tailored for specific needs.

For example, the AIDA sales letter template applies the AIDA formula (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) to craft high-converting sales copy.

Meanwhile, the SEO metadata template lets you auto-generate optimized page titles and meta descriptions.

And the email newsletter template interviews you to understand your audience, brand, and goals to create suitable newsletter content.

I was impressed by how customizable and specialized each template is. They go way beyond just changing the copy style and length to adapt the actual content strategy for each use case.

Sonic Editor

The Sonic Editor gives you a workspace to polish and format your AI-generated drafts.

It has familiar word processing features like:

  • Basic text formatting e.g. bold, italics
  • Adding images
  • Converting to HTML
  • Exporting documents

But what makes the Sonic Editor stand out are the AI enhancements:

  • Paraphrasing – Rewrite selected sentences with one click
  • Expanding – Make paragraphs longer by adding more details
  • Shortening – Condense verbose sections

These tools allow you to rapidly refine and polish AI-generated drafts.

I loved being able to rewrite dull sections with fresher language or add more substance to shallow areas as needed. It makes editing so much faster.

And the Chrome extension lets you instantly send web pages to the Editor, which is handy for scraping content to refresh.

Tone Tuning & Brand Voice

Writesonic offers advanced tone tuning capabilities lacking in competitors.

You can pick from dozens of tones like confident, friendly, thoughtful, witty, and more. Writesonic will then rewrite content to match.

Taking it a step further is the Brand Voice feature. Here, you can have Writesonic study your existing website content to learn your brand‘s language style.

The end result? AI-generated drafts that sound consistently on-brand from the very first try. No more tedious rewriting needed to add your "voice".

I attempted to create a casual yet informative brand voice based on Blogging Wizard‘s posts. Writesonic did an excellent job of sticking to this style in subsequent content while keeping topics fun and engaging.

Image Generation

Writesonic can also generate 100% original images to illustrate your articles using DALL-E integration.

Simply pick suitable prompts or upload samples of what you want, choose an image size, and generate.

The image generator isn‘t always perfect. But it‘s still super useful for quickly sprucing up posts that might otherwise lack visuals.

Built-In Analytics

Writesonic provides some handy analytics around:

  • Content volume generated
  • Word credits used
  • Most popular tools

The data helps you optimize how credits are allocated across teams and keep tabs on content output.

There are also metrics around tone ratings so you can track how on-brand content remains over time. Pretty neat!

Other Handy Features

Aside from the flagship capabilities above, Writesonic packs quite a few other helpful tools:

  • SEO optimization – Automatically enhance content for search ranking potential
  • Source scraping – Adds citations and links to web research for greater credibility
  • Footnotes – Automatically generates numbered footnotes and references
  • Data visualization – Creates charts from data tables you provide
  • Document transformation – Lets you instantly convert files from HTML to Word, PDF. MD, etc

There are also content formatting presets (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) and a built-in translate option powered by Google Translate.

When combined creatively, these extras help boost both the quality and presentation of your posts with very little effort.

For example, I generated an initial draft then auto-created footnotes, added data visualizations, ran the SEO optimization, and translated it – greatly leveling up both the substance and polish within minutes.

So Writesonic brings a lot more to the table than "just" writing assistance.

Content Quality

Of course, output quality is what really matters with any AI writing tool.

So how does Writesonic‘s content stack up?

In my testing across multiple niches, I found articles from the AI Article Writer to typically land around the 7/10 mark for quality before editing.

That‘s a very solid starting point (most competitors land at 5-6/10). But refinement is still required to reach professional-grade output.

The main downsides I noticed were:

  • Sentences can be somewhat repetitive and boring
  • Relies heavily on paraphrasing online info vs. unique commentary
  • Not the most creative or insightful perspectives shared

However, the Sonic Editor makes it easy to address these issues with the automatic paraphrasing and content expansion tools. Plus, the grammar itself is strong and formatting very polished.

Shorter templated content (e.g. ads, product descriptions, meta descriptions) scored higher at around the 8/10 mark before editing. These tend to be more factual and benefit from the structured templates guiding content.

Finally, I fed Writesonic a scientific research paper to see how it would cope with extremely technical writing. Surprisingly well! Of course, it needed help explaining complex details accurately, but the overall structure, tone, and basics were handled admirably.

So while the out-of-the-box quality isn‘t perfect, Writesonic provides very strong AI foundations to build upon through editing.

Pricing & Plans

Writesonic offers 4 paid plans plus a generous free trial:

  • Free Trial – 10,000 words for 30 days
  • Pro – 12,000 words/month for $20
  • Team – Customized for workgroups. Starts at $29
  • Business – Up to 5 million words. Custom quotes.
  • Enterprise – Unlimited words. Custom quotes.
  • Annual billing saves you ~30%
  • Team plans cost more for added users
  • Non-profits get 25% off

The key differences in the paid plans are:

As you can see, Business and Enterprise plans gain access to the bleeding-edge GPT-4 model but sacrifice unlimited words. They also unlock more templates and integrations suited for larger teams.

Writesonic is very affordable compared to most competitors. Even serious freelancers or agencys can benefit from the mid-tier plans. Cost is not a barrier here.

For reference, here‘s how Writesonic stacks up to others on pricing:

Considering everything you get, from numerous AI models to 100+ templates and beyond, Writesonic provides exceptional value at all plan levels.

Notable Pros

Here are standout positives from using Writesonic based on my experience:

  • Huge template variety – 100+ templates for every content need
  • Sonic Editor – Advanced AI tools make editing much faster
  • Tone tuning – Unmatched style adjustment capabilities
  • Brand voice mimic – Generates content that sounds just like your brand
  • Affordable pricing – Very budget-friendly options available
  • Speed – Articles written faster than any human could
  • Bulk processing – Generate hundreds of articles/pages/emails/ads simultaneously

I was seriously impressed by both the breadth and execution of features. Writesonic feels like an "all-in-one" AI assistant for writers rather than just another content composer.

Notable Cons

That said, Writesonic isn‘t perfect. Here are the main downsides I noticed:

  • Steep learning curve – The huge feature set can overwhelm new users
  • Confusing upgrades – Unclear which plan to pick when outgrowing lower tiers
  • Billing process clunky – Upgrading plans is not smoothly integrated
  • Default content bland – AI drafts play it safe without bolder perspectives
  • No custom tone creation – Can only tweak existing, pre-set tone options for now

I suspect the complicated billing and upgrades are partly due to having both unlimited and pooled word credit plans to juggle. But it could be a lot more user-friendly.

And while custom tones aren‘t supported yet, you can still define very nuanced styles through the Brand Voice mimic. So this isn‘t a dealbreaker shortcoming.

Customer Support

Writesonic provides the following customer support channels:

  • Email support
  • Intercom chat
  • Detailed help docs

I always received thoughtful responses from the support team within 24 hours via email. So not instantaneous but reliable.

The Intercom chat is handy for quick questions during business hours. But nights/weekends, email is your only option unless on a premium Enterprise plan with 24/7 chat access.

On the whole, support coverage is decent but lags behind contemporaries like Jasper and Copy.ai that offer 24/7 live chat across all plans. There is room for improvement here as Writesonic‘s user base grows.

Writesonic Alternatives

The main Writesonic competitors to consider are:

  • Jasper – Leading alternative. Also uses GPT-3. Great UI and UX.
  • Copy.ai – Specializes more in assisting human writing vs. fully automated content generation.
  • Rytr – More basic features but very affordable entry pricing.
  • ShortlyAI – Impressive summarization abilities. Less long-form generation capabilities.
  • Quillbot – Focus is more on refining/enhancing existing text vs. creating new content.

I like Jasper the most out of these as a competitor. It has a nicer interface, slightly better quality on average, and more customization options for tone/style – but costs a little more.

Ultimately, both make excellent choices though depending on if you prioritize features or value more.

Copy.ai and ShortlyAI shine more at their specific use cases rather than general content needs. While Quillbot and Rytr offer cheaper starting points for individuals but less growth potential.

Verdict – Is Writesonic worth it?

After extensively testing Writesonic across 2 weeks, I can confidently say it is absolutely worth trying out.

The platform combines best-in-class AI writing capabilities with generous all-in-one features packed to accelerate content creation further. And pricing stays very affordable even as you scale usage.

While the automated drafts require editing polish to truly shine, much of the hard work is handled for you upfront by Writesonic. Allowing you to focus efforts on optimizing output quality vs. struggling to string coherent sentences together.

It isn‘t perfect across the board, of course. And I‘d love to see upgrades in UI fluidity plus customer support coverage to better compete as it evolves.

But for both solo writers and teams aiming to supercharge their process through AI with minimal hassle, Writesonic checks all the boxes.

The one caveat is ensuring you carve out a learning curve to fully leverage such an adjustable "Swiss army knife" properly. But once mastered, it‘s an invaluable asset in the stack.

So if you‘re weighing up AI writing options, I absolutely recommend giving Writesonic‘s forever-free trial a spin first. Chances are, you‘ll be hooked.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions!