19 Top YouTube Channel Ideas For 2023 (+ Examples & Tips)

YouTube remains one of the best platforms for building an audience and monetizing your content. But with over 2 billion monthly logged-in users, the competition is fierce.

The key is picking the right niche and YouTube video ideas that set you apart.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll compare the most popular YouTube channel formats for 2023. You‘ll discover the unique opportunities and challenges of each, along with actionable tips to build a sustainable, successful channel.

Overview of Top YouTube Channel Genres

While individual creators have some unique approaches, most YouTube channels fit into one of these main genres:

Gaming: Centers around playing, commentating on, and creating content around video games.

Challenges: Documents crazy challenges and feats, often with clickbait titles.

Compilations: Repurposes and adds value to trending content.

Educational: Shares how-to advice, explanations, and lessons around a topic.

News/Commentary: Offers opinions, analysis, and coverage of trending topics and current events.

Vlogs: Shows snippets of the creator‘s real life, travels, and experiences.

Talk Shows: Entertaining videos focused on the host‘s commentary and personality.

Live Streams: Real-time, interactive broadcasts.

Reactions: Records authentic reactions to peculiar content.

Unboxings: Films the process of opening newly purchased products.

Music: Uploads original songs, covers, mixes, and music-related content.

Shorts: Vertical videos under 60 seconds, similar to TikTok.

Soothing/Vibes: Creates a relaxing atmosphere with ambient sights and sounds.

There‘s plenty of room for originality and creativity within each genre. But most successful channels specialize in one main area.

Below we’ll compare genres in more detail, along with updated examples, statistics, and tips.

Gaming Channels

Gaming remains one of the largest and fastest-growing categories on YouTube. 45% of YouTube‘s top creators make gaming content.

In 2022, gaming videos generated over 100 billion hours of watch time. And gaming viewers are very loyal, with over 200 million people subscribing to gaming channels.

But while the opportunity is immense, gaming is also one of the most oversaturated niches. Discovering smaller creators and standing out is extremely difficult.

Tips for Gaming Channels

  • Specialize in one game, or a tightly related group of games, rather than jumping between trends
  • Produce regular content and commentary around major game releases and updates
  • Interact heavily with viewers via live streams, comments sections, discord groups, etc.
  • Take inspiration from top creators like PewDiePie, MrBeast Gaming, and Dream who built incredibly engaged audiences

Challenge Channels

In the past few years, "challenge" content has exploded. Viewers can‘t get enough of daring stunts and watching creators push themselves to crazy limits.

Ryan Trahan has mastered this genre, repeatedly going viral with 30 day challenges, trading a paperclip up to a house, and surviving on nothing.

MrBeast also frequently creates videos centered around absurd challenges with huge cash prizes. These capture attention while also promoting his brand.

Tips for Challenge Channels

  • Come up with exciting ideas that grab attention but remain achievable
  • Create an emotional journey for the audience, not just random stunts
  • Upload consistently and stick to a regular schedule so fans know when to expect new content
  • Produce episodic challenge series to maximize views and encourage binging
  • Promote widely across social media to maximize reach for each challenge

Compilation Channels

Compilation channels repurpose and add value to trending online content. They face more legal hurdles but provide a quicker path to gaining subscribers vs filming original content.

Channels like FailArmy focus exclusively on funny video compilations. While others like Ozzy Man Reviews create hilarious commentary on top of the compiled content.

In 2022, comedy compilation channels generated over 15 billion views. So there remains a massive appetite among audiences.

Tips for Compilation Channels

  • Add substantial original commentary via voiceovers to avoid copyright claims
  • Focus compilation themes around viral topics and meme culture
  • Keep compilations concise and fast-paced
  • Credit original creators thoroughly and follow fair use guidelines
  • Branch into original content over time once you build an audience

Educational Channels

YouTube doubles as the world‘s second largest search engine. So educational content has major organic reach potential on the platform.

How-to tutorials, lessons, crash courses, and explainers are all excellent educational formats to focus on.

Income School and Graham Stephan have grown multimillion dollar channels by consistently providing valuable, actionable advice to their niches.

Educational content also lends itself perfectly to tiered monetization models. Once you build authority and trust, you can sell online courses or membership programs to monetize your most engaged followers.

Tips for Educational Channels

  • Establish yourself as an expert by demonstrating credentials, experiences, and results
  • Optimize thumbnails and titles for SEO by targeting high search volume topics
  • Break down complex topics into easily digestible lessons
  • Update evergreen educational content so it stays relevant over time
  • Promote affiliate offers and paid programs without being salesy

News & Commentary Channels

YouTube has also grown into a news giant. Pew Research found 53% of YouTube news consumers use the site as their primary news source.

Commentary around current events and analyzing the latest stories can quickly attract an audience. Especially if you focus commentary on a specific niche like politics, finance, celeb drama, etc.

The Philip DeFranco Show and Jabzy are prime examples of successful YouTube news channels centered around the host‘s take on the latest happenings.

Tips for News Channels

  • Closely track trending topics and news cycles to capitalize on viral moments
  • Offer unique perspectives and opinions rather than just recapping headlines
  • Maintain a consistent persona and POV rather than trying to appease everyone
  • Promote viewer interaction via polls,questions, comments, and social media
  • Remain objective and acknowledge biases/limits of expertise if sharing controversial takes

Vlogging Channels

Vlogging remains incredibly popular, but also faces saturation similar to gaming content. The key is finding a unique approach or presentation style.

Casey Neistat pioneered an incredibly engaging first-person vlog format. While Peter McKinnon built a massive audience with cinematic, visual-focused videos documenting his adventures.

Travel vlogs also continue to thrive. Bald and Bankrupt takes fans along to underrated destinations in developing countries. And Johnny Harris simplifies big global issues through on-the-ground mini documentaries.

Tips for Vlogging Channels

  • Vlog about travel/experiences that are unique or exclusive
  • Remain self-aware – highlight interesting aspects of your personality and life
  • Invest in excellent cameras and gear to create a high-quality viewing experience
  • Utilize strong storytelling techniques to keep viewers hooked and emotionally invested

Talk Shows & Podcasts

Talk shows put the host and their commentary first. The exact format or activities are secondary.

The world‘s most popular YouTube talk show, Good Mythical Morning, pioneered the highly engaging concept of YouTubers just hanging out. They‘ve built an incredibly loyal community around their daily antics and interactions.

As podcasts continue to be adapted for YouTube, commentary around trending topics also thrives in talk show formats like H3 After Dark and the Jubilee debate series.

Tips for Talk Shows

  • Allow your personality to shine – remain authentic and opinionated
  • Interact constantly with viewers via comments, polls, Q&As, social media, etc.
  • Produce episodes consistently according to a schedule
  • Utilize segment diversity to keep episodes feeling fresh and dynamic
  • Focus on building genuine connections and community with a niche audience

Live Streaming Channels

Live streaming opens major new opportunities that separate YouTube from traditional media. Viewers crave that authentic, real-time engagement and access.

In 2022, YouTube live streams generated over 25 billion hours watched. Music and gaming streams saw over 20X growth.

The channels finding the most success on YouTube Live provide interactive shows centered around the host‘s commentary and engagement with viewers in chat.

Streaming does require extra work though. To succeed you must set schedules, moderate chat, arrange gaming/IRL content, and technical difficulties are inevitable.

Tips for Live Streaming

  • Commit to a consistent streaming schedule so fans know when to tune in
  • Interact constantly with chat through shoutouts, questions, polls, etc
  • Maintain an ongoing conversation across streams – encourage inside jokes and loyalty
  • Consider guests and collaborations to spice up the format
  • Export stream highlights to YouTube VODs for extra visibility

Reaction Channels

Reaction channels showcase authentic responses to peculiar online content. Viewers find it entertaining to see people experience things for the first time.

SidemenReacts and SSSniperWolf built massive audiences around loud, outspoken reactions. While channels like Fine Bros Entertainment take a more nuanced approach.

Reaction videos do carry higher risk of copyright claims though if reused content isn‘t sufficiently transformed.

Tips for Reaction Channels

  • React to content that evokes strong emotions – shock, awe, disbelief
  • Encourage group reactions to spawn conversations
  • Cut back and forth with footage to capture best moments rather than showing entire videos
  • Add review commentary reflecting on content after initial reaction
  • Seek explicit permission to feature copyrighted materials

Unboxing Channels

Unboxing channels film the satisfying process of unpacking newly purchased products.

Top creators like TheRelaxingEnd and Unbox Therapy focus exclusively on unboxing trending and luxury products. Appliances, tech gadgets, toys, and subscription boxes also thrive in this genre though.

While seemingly simple on the surface, unboxing videos require quite a bit of behind-the-scenes planning regarding lighting, camera work, setting up items, and crafting transitions that don‘t disrupt the flow.

Tips for Unboxing Channels

  • Feature hot, interesting products aligned to viewer interests
  • Keep takes tight and well-rehearsed to avoid jump cuts
  • Utilize slick transitions, sound effects, and closeups to accentuate moments
  • Remain solution-focused by highlighting product benefits and use cases
  • Monetize via affiliate commissions on showcased items

Music Channels

YouTube allows musicians to grow an audience and distribute songs at a massive scale. Many mainstream artists like Justin Bieber and Shawn Mendes gained initial fame from the platform.

But competition is fierce, so standing out requires superb production quality and smart promotion.

Niche genres often thrive by serving underrepresented tastes. For instance, Chillhop Music found a perfect channel fit providing relaxing lofi hip hop beats.

Tips for Music Channels

  • Promote songs heavily via social media ads, playlists submissions, collaborations with similar artists, etc.
  • Foster meaningful engagement with fans and other artists via vlogs, livestreams, interviews etc.
  • React to trending songs, challenges, and memes to increase overall visibility
  • Upload Behind the Scenes looks at your creative process and lifestyle

YouTube Shorts Channels

In the past two years, YouTube Shorts exploded as the platform‘s version of TikTok.

YouTube is pushing Shorts extremely heavily – accounting for 30 billion daily views. Shorts viewership is growing 50X year over year in some countries.

Top Shorts feature bright colors, loud sounds, fast transitions, text overlays, memes, challenges, and remixable templates.

Shorts face much lower barriers to going viral. Even starting channels can quickly rack up massive view counts.

But monetization and sustainability remain challenging due to limited ad options. So most successful Shorts channels utilize the format alongside longer videos.

Tips for Shorts Channels

  • Rapidly iterate and test an array short-form content styles and topics
  • Closely analyze larger channel‘s top performing Shorts for inspiration
  • Leverage clickbait thumbnails and attention-grabbing captions
  • Utilize trending audios, effects, stickers, templates, and hashtags
  • Funnel Shorts viewers to long-form videos and other social profiles

Soothing Content Channels

The rise of "cozy channels" on YouTube highlights a larger trend viewers craving comforting ambient content to relax or focus.

Channels like Choki and cozykitsune create an atmosphere by showcasing soothing sights and sounds. Without dialogue getting in the way.

Soothing content pairs perfectly with household tasks like cleaning, cooking, working, or falling asleep.

Tips for Soothing Channels

  • Feature warm color palettes and natural sounds/textures
  • Prioritize scenery, objects, and sensory details over flashy edits
  • Embrace simplicity and minimalism without too many distracting elements
  • Film longer, unbroken takes to feel immersive
  • Avoid abrupt volume changes or transitions

Evaluating YouTube Channel Ideas

With over 2 million current channel topics, deciding where to focus presents a major challenge.

Here are key factors to evaluate:

  • Personal interests & experiences – creates intrinsic motivation to keep producing content
  • Current audience demand – assess search and viewership volume for relevant topics
  • Projected future demand – consider rising trends that may soon spike in popularity
  • Uniqueness – scope out your differentiation from competitors in the niche
  • Revenue potential – factor in both ad and auxiliary monetization strategies
  • Production requirements – evaluate required skills, equipment, locations, etc.

Ideally choose channel formats aligning your passions with demonstrated viewer demand and long-term business opportunities.

Growing & Monetizing a YouTube Channel

Whichever niche you select, sustainable YouTube success requires playing the long game.

Patience is essential when starting out. It takes time to hone production skills, test content, and have videos surfaced by the algorithm.

But with a strategic approach, creative passion, and commitment to consistency, channel growth can accelerate rapidly.

Here are key best practices:

Optimize Discovery & Promotion

  • Research target keywords thoroughly to maximize search visibility and suggested videos
  • Create clickbaity (but accurate) thumbnails and titles
  • Promote videos widely across your social media profiles
  • Collaborate with similar, relevant creators to access each other‘s audiences
  • Interact constantly with fans to drive engagement metrics

Increase Viewer Loyalty & Engagement

  • Build video playlists to encourage binging previous uploads
  • Broadcast exclusive premiers and livestreams for subscribers
  • Facilitate community discussion via comments, forums, discord groups, etc
  • Send email and community post updates to alert fans of each video
  • Reward loyal fans with merch, memberships, shoutouts, etc

Diversify Monetization

While YouTube ad revenue provides baseline income, truly scalable earnings require diversifying:

  • Display affiliate links and branded sponsorships
  • Sell digital products like online courses, ebooks, graphics packs, etc
  • Promote virtual concerts, exclusive video chats, and celebrity meetings/shoutouts
  • Launch channel memberships offering custom badges, emojis, behind the scenes content, etc
  • Host fan meetup events or learning retreats
  • License popular segments for TV compilation shows

The most successful channels interweave all of the above – excelling at content, community building, and commercialization.

Final Thoughts

Starting a profitable YouTube channel in 2023 remains extremely viable. But only by carving out a clearly differentiated niche, catering to viewer needs, and playing the long game.

Hopefully the above guide and channel examples illuminated new possibilities while also setting realistic expectations.

Remember millions of creators are competing for a finite amount of viewer attention. Building a career from YouTube requires beating the odds through exceptional strategic execution across content, branding, and audience development.

But for those dedicated enough to keep pushing and adapting, the platform offers life-changing connective and economic opportunities.