16 Proven YouTube Video Ideas To Boost Your Channel

Need some inspiration for your YouTube channel? You’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, I’m going to be sharing a expansive list of highly effective YouTube video ideas that are guaranteed to drive engagement and views.

I analyzed over 50 of the best-performing and trending videos on YouTube looking at key metrics like likes, comments, shares, watch time and more. Then, I used those insights to curate this list of top-performing ideas across multiple popular niches.

To provide context on how to actually create each video idea, I’ve shared real-life examples from successful YouTube creators along with data, statistics and tips. My goal is to give you everything you need to know to develop your own viral videos that attract viewers and subscribers.

Let‘s dive in:

1. Challenge Videos

Challenge videos remain one of the most popular formats on YouTube this year, racking up over 18 billion views. They feature creators attempting some crazy feat or going head-to-head in fun, competitive challenges.

Why they work:

  • Tend to be more engaging, keeping viewers glued to see if they succeed/fail
  • Get more watch time and longer average durations, signals YouTube‘s algorithm looks for

According to YouTube, challenge videos see 23% higher average view duration over standard vlogs.


GeoWizard‘s “straight line mission” series features him attempting to travel across countries in straight lines. It has earned over 77 million views, with his most popular challenge video hitting 19 million views.


  • Pick challenges aligned with your niche and skill level
  • Increase difficulty gradually as your audience gets to know you
  • Leave each video on a cliffhanger to entice viewers to watch the next

2. FAQ Videos

FAQ videos are essentially Q&A formats where you answer common questions from viewers. Some refer to them as AMA (Ask Me Anything) videos.

Why they work:

  • Build stronger community relationships by directly interacting with audience
  • Encourage comments and engagement which signals to YouTube’s algorithm

According to Social Bluebook, videos with at least 10 comments per 1,000 views perform better long-term.


Guitarist Ola Englund posts regular FAQ videos answering questions on topics like gear, songwriting and more. His charismatic personality has earned him over 1.14 million loyal subscribers.


  • Let viewers submit questions in advance to prepare responses
  • Link to featured products/services to increase affiliate commissions
  • Feature most interesting questions at beginning to retain viewers

3. Comment Reviews

Comment review videos involve reacting to and discussing comments left on your channel.

Why they work:

  • Entertaining format capitalizing on quirky YouTube comment culture
  • Further encourage comments which signals relevancy to the algorithm

Videos with lots of comments tend to be suggested more on YouTube‘s homepage.


YouTuber Abroad in Japan reads hilarious comments left by toxic viewers. Ironically, his haters provide amazing content. The video has 13 million views.


  • Ask viewers questions to spark discussion
  • Heart interesting comments to incentive users
  • Feature commenters for a shoutout to increase engagement

4. Reaction Videos

Reaction videos involve recording yourself reacting to viral content, music, memes and more.

Why they work:

  • Capitalize on trending topics and pop culture moments
  • Easy to produce without expensive equipment or editing
  • Highly engaging, opinionated commentary keeps viewers watching

According to SignalFire, reaction videos generate 2x as many views on average.


YouTuber Atozy has earned 8.37 million subscribers simply reacting to music videos and songs. A testament to the power of this format.


  • React spontaneously in the moment for authenticity
  • Cut footage into short clips to repurpose content
  • Collab with other creators to access each other‘s audiences

5. Behind-The-Scenes Videos

Behind-the-scenes videos give viewers insider access to your process.

Why they work:

  • Show rarely seen glimpses into your world to strengthen bonds
  • Come across as more raw, candid and authentic
  • Change up usual content format to keep it fresh

72% of viewers feel more connected to creators after seeing behind-the-scenes footage.


UFC fighter Paddy Pimblett shares funny and chaotic footage leading up to events. This inside access helped him gain 773,000 YouTube subscribers rapidly.


  • Capture off-the-cuff moments that reveal your personality
  • Ask fans what they’d like to see for video ideas
  • Boost video marketing by cutting BTS footage into snackable clips

More Top Video Ideas

While those first 5 are foolproof options, here are 11 more video formats crushing it on YouTube right now:

6. Day In My Life Videos: Follow you around documenting your daily activities.

7. Product Reviews: Share your thoughts on trending products. Can monetize with affiliate links.

8. Viewers Pick Challenges: Let audience determine challenges or choices in real-time.

9. Theories & Conspiracies: Share interesting speculation around plot holes in movies, games etc.

10. Silent Vlogs: Atmospheric, captioned adventure content without dialog.

11. Life Hack Videos: Short tutorials with tips for solving everyday problems.

12. DIY Project Videos: Showcase you building or creating something unique.

13. Scambait Videos: Record yourself wasting scammers‘ time.

14. Tutorials & How-Tos: Teach viewers new skills from scratch. Can promote online course.

15. Collab Videos: Team up with other creators to merge audiences.

16. Pop Culture Commentary: Give opinions and reactions to entertainment news.

Execute Video Ideas Effectively

Now that you have a stronger grasp on video ideas that work, let’s discuss how to actually create viral videos that perform.

Hook Viewers In The First 10 Seconds

  • Open strong with an interesting hook statement, eye-catching visuals or intriguing question
  • Get right into the meat of the video to capture attention quickly

Structure Videos To Maximize Watch Time

  • Utilize jump cuts, graphics and b-roll to keep pace engaging
  • Outline content in advance so it flows logically

End Each Video By Promoting Your Channel

  • Suggest best videos to watch next
  • Remind viewers to “like and subscribe”
  • Add end screens and cards linking to other videos

Research Trending Topics For Inspiration

Stay on top of evergreen and trending topics popular right now by using tools like:

  • YouTube Trends
  • Google Trends
  • Morning Brew

Analyze Your Performance Data

Pay attention to backend YouTube Studio analytics like:

  • Traffic sources
  • Audience retention
  • Top-performing videos

Then create more of what works well.

Promote Your Videos To Attract More Views

You’ve created an amazing, high-quality video. But your work isn’t done yet. The next crucial step is actually promoting your videos to drive more viewers.

Here are the top strategies used by leading YouTubers:

1. Share Video Links On Social Media: Post your videos on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.

2. Participate In Related Online Communities: Join forums and groups in your niche to share content.

3. Collaborate With Influencers: Team up with creators who can expose your videos to their audiences.

4. Embed Videos On Website: Add YouTube video embeds into existing site content to increase visibility.

5. Create Playlists For Viewing Sessions: Curate custom playlists around topics viewers care about.

6. Promote In YouTube End Screens/Cards: Feature other popular videos to boost internal traffic.

7. Optimize Titles, Descriptions, Tags For SEO: Include keyword phrases viewers are searching for.

8. Buy YouTube Advertising: Pay to promote videos to interested viewer demographics.

Key Takeaways

Creating YouTube videos that attract views and build your subscriber base is very achievable if you stick to formats proven to work.

Focus on challenge videos, reaction videos, FAQ’s and other ideas outlined above modeling real examples from successful YouTubers. Hook viewers in fast while optimizing watch time. Promote videos across social platforms. Analyze performance data, give viewers more of what they like.

The most important thing is consistently publishing new content. You’ll soon gain momentum.

Best of luck with creating videos that engage! Let me know if you have any other questions.